With the NEUROIMAGING Seminar Series, we aim to highlight recently published,
conceptually and/or technically exciting research that has importantly benefitted
from the expertise and equipment available in the NEUROIMAGING infrastructure (Aalto NeuroImaging
and BioMag-laboratory). The seminars are open to everyone and targeted especially to users of NEUROIMAGING
and the Finnish Biomedical Imaging Node (FiBI) of Euro-BioImaging.
The grand opening of the seminar series took place online 5.11.2021 by a lecture: MEG for visual neuroscience, by Linda Henriksson, Senior University Lecturer, Aalto University.
The seminar series is held online in Zoom:
Topic: NEUROIMAGING Seminar Series
Spring 2022
- Friday 4.2. 14:00 (UTC/GMT+2)
Anni Nora, Postdoctoral Researcher, Aalto University
Dynamic time-locking mechanism in the cortical representation of spoken words (lecture)
Suggested reading: Nora A, Faisal A, Seol J, Renvall H, Formisano E and Salmelin R: Dynamic time-locking mechanism in the cortical representation of spoken words. eNeuro 2020, 7(4): ENEURO.0475-19.2020 (
- Thursday 31.3 16:00 (UTC/GMT+2)
Patrik Wikman, Postdoctoral Fellow, Georgetown University
Brain networks of selective attention to cocktail party speech (lecture)
Suggested reading: Wikman P, Sahari E, Salmela V, Leminen A, Leminen M, Laine M and Alho K: Breaking down the cocktail party: Attentional modulation of cerebral audiovisual speech processing. NeuroImage 2021, 224: 117365 (
- Friday 6.5. 14:00 (UTC/GMT+2)
Juha Salmitaival, Academy Research Fellow, Aalto University
Naturalistic paradigms for clinical cognitive neuroscience (lecture)
Suggested reading: Salmi J, Metwaly M, Tohka J, Alho K, Leppämäki S, Tani P, Koski A, Vanderwal T and Laine M: ADHD desynchronizes brain activity during watching a distracted multi-talker conversation. NeuroImage 2020, 216: 116352 ( Seesjärvi E, Puhakka J, Aronen ET, Lipsanen J, Mannerkoski M, Hering A, Zuber S, Kliegel M, Laine M and Salmi J: Quantifying ADHD symptoms in open-ended everyday life contexts with a new virtual reality task. Journal of Attention Disorders 2021 (
Anastasia Shulga, Head of Ward for Demanding Rehabilitation, Hospital District of Helsinki and Uusimaa
Paired associative stimulation with a high-frequency peripheral component: optimization of the protocol for clinical work through healthy subject studies
Suggested reading: Shulga A, Lioumis P, Kirveskari E, Savolainen S, Mäkelä JP: A novel paired associative stimulation protocol with a high-frequency peripheral component: A review on results in spinal cord injury rehabilitation. European Journal of Neuroscience 2021, 53(9): 3242-3257 (